Reading 6 Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Reading 6
·         Advertising has a simple premise: purchase this product and your life improves
·         Every person is connected to the creation and consumption of commercial messages
·         Corporate Identity work: Graphic representation of the company itself
o   Graphics can be accompanied by text
·         A corporate Identity creates a recognizable image or interface that shows how a particular company wishes itself to be seen and remembered by its public
·         A corporate ID is built up over many years
·         Branding – sets a strategy to create synergy between a company, its corporate ID, its advertising outputs, and its client base
·         Branding encourages clients to emotionally identify with a particular company
·         Emphasis on the audience “owning” the brand and not vice versa
·         Digital advertising: delivered to mass audiences and is gaining significance and influence
·         Charged based on hit rates (how many see it); currently the only advertising to accurately obtain that info
·         Client-led ad: low-risk, commercial messages in a simple, straightforward way; Not groundbreaking, “interruptive”- “stop and look, maybe you want this”
·         Creative School ad: high-risk, may communicate to fewer people, allows advertisers to search for new creative formats, “interruptive”
·         Viral ad: digitally delivered, “disruptive”- relies on shock value, allows for originality, relies on word of mouth
·         Ads moved from black and white prints to colored, from a depiction of the product itself to symbolic and metaphorical pictorial elements
·         1920’s and 1930’s: Color magazines with lush imagery to communicate to audiences
·         Bauhaus: “interruptive” message, rationally, clean and uncomplicated
·         Post-war: Companies used illustration to show a hopeful, bright future that people could potentially have
·         1950’s: subjugated to demands of USP and flowed to the realization of the consumer that they need the product – functioned with the idea that an intelligent audience could and should interact with ads, in that they can decode the message and feel intelligent
·         Illustration has gained popularity for its ability to represent a non-race, gender, location, or age specific globalized world
·         There are 2 types of ad agencies: Above the line and Below the line
·         Above the line media: Television, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Billboards, Websites, Corporate ID, Literature, Promotion
·         Below the line media: Direct Mail, Promotional material (i.e. leaflets and flyers), Point of sale, Store Displays, Promotional Events
·         Ad Agency Roles
o   Creative Director: Manages work, Approves Final, ensures correspondence with creative brief, chooses illustrator
o   Creative Team: Art Director and Copywriter: generate ideas, help choose the illustrator
o   Art buyers: assist in selecting illustrator, negotiate fees, oversee production
o   Account Handler: Contact Client, present portfolios, estimates, and final artwork. Ensuring the clients concerns are addressed and the client is satisfied
o   Traffic and Production: Ensure correct technical production; supplies mixture of sizes and configurations for different media.
·         Progression of Typical ad commission:
o   Clients talk to agency
o   Account Handler writes brief
o   Account Handler gives brief to creative director and team
o   Creative team produces selection of ideas, ideas presented to client, client decides on idea
o   Search for illustrator/photographer
o   Portfolio of suggested illustrator submitted to client for approval, with a quote
o   Illustrator accepts and is given brief
o   Reproduction meeting
o   Illustrator presents roughs. Minor adjustments requested
o   Agency presents artwork to client
o   Illustration is incorporated into graphic layout and supplied to magazines, newspapers, etc.
o   Illustrator submits invoice for payment.
·         Roles within a Graphic Design Company:
o   Creative Director: Manages creative output, quotes for jobs, guides creative direction
o   Designer: Designs, specifies approaches to design solutions, implements solutions in an inspired and efficient way that pays attention to visual detail
o   Studio manager: Ensures efficient running of creative studio, organizes appointments of the creative director
·         Progression of Typical Corporate ID commission:
o   Client approaches Graphic Design Company
o   Creative Director Clarifies Brief
o   Design team is briefed
o   Selection of Ideas presented to client, Design approach is agreed on for development
o   Search for illustrator
o   Illustrator Portfolio is submitted to client
o   Illustrator submits final quote
o   Illustrator presents roughs, adjustments requested
o   Agency presents final artwork to client for approval
o   New Corporate ID implemented
o   Illustrator submits invoice for payment
·         Summary of Illustration Procedure
o   Initial Research
o   Prospecting for work
o   Securing Commission
o   Starting Work
o   Securing Payment